How to Send Contracts with Booking Helpers

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To make booking a client easier, we can utilize a Booking Helper to send a contract and update event details.

To begin, you will need 3 things:

  1. Contract
  2. Email Template
  3. Booking Helper

1.    Contract

First, make sure that you have Document Template setup for your contract.  Login to DJ Event Planner -> Setup -> Documents

Select Actions -> Edit next to the document you want to use.  Under the E-Signatures tab, make sure that your settings are set to how you want them.  More info on E-Signatures can be found in this tutorial:

2.    Email Template

You will need an email template setup to send the contract.  To create a new templet, log on to DJEP -> Setup -> Emails -> Add Template  

More info on Email Templates can be found in this tutorial:

When creating an email template for an E-Signature contract, we will need to insert an E-Signature Document Link merge tag.  Highlight or place your cursor where you want to place that link then click the blue E-Signature Document Links.


Select the document that you want to link to, then copy and paste or click Insert to add the merge tag to your email template.

 Here is an example email template below, feel free to copy and make use as your own.  You will want to replace “INSERT E-SIGNATURE LINK HERE” with your E-Signature Document link.  Make sure to click ‘Save” when done editing your email template.

Subject line: Contrat for your <event_date><event_type>


Hello <first_name>,

Thank you for choosing <company_name> for your <event_type> on <event_date_long>.

Please use this link to view your contract and electronically sign to confirm services:


You can also print a copy for your records at this link as well.

The <retainer_fee> deposit can be paid by logging into your online portal <client_logon_link>  

You will need your login information which is:

Username: <username>

Password: <password>

Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us. 


3.  Booking Helper

To create Booking Helper to send your contract, login to DJEP -> Setup -> Application -> Booking Helpers

Click the green Add button next to an empty slot to add a new Booking Helper

The Title that you add will appear in the Booking Helpers drop down when viewing events; if you add a Button Title it will appear when viewing an event.  You can color code your Booking Helper buttons for easier visual identification.

Under Display Options you can select what events this Booking Helper will be visible on and can be set by Event Status, Event Type, Package, Addons, and whether or not one payment has been made.


To send a contract there are a only a few things that are needed to be setup.

Event Details

Update the Event Status to Contract Sent or another status that you utilize to denote a contract being sent

Here you can also add a Next Action item if you would like to set a reminder to follow up on the contract.


Send Emails

Next to Client you will select the email template that you created to send the contract.



Here we will add a Contract Sent date to populate within the event.  Selecting ‘Current Date’ will populate the Contract Sent Date with the date this Booking Helper is run.


That is all that is required to send a contract with a Booking Helper, once finished be sure to click the green Save Settings button in the upper right.

How to use the Booking Helper

Navigate to an event that you want to send a contract for.  If you made the Booking Helper a button, you should see it above the event.  If you did not make it a button, click the dark grey Booking Helpers button.

After clicking your Booking Helper or selecting in the drop  down, a confirmation window will appear letting us know what actions will take place when run.  

Click the Green OK button.


After the Booking Helper runs, a green window will appear confirming the actions run.  If there were any errors encountered when running the Booking Helper they will appear here.


Should you have any questions, please reach out to Support by Live Chat found under Support Options in the left menu; or by posting on the official support forum: