How does the Package Specific Wage work?

Packages have a setting called "Package Specific Wage". If you don't use DJEP to keep track of employee wages, leave this field blank or enter zero. This setting is used on the "Edit Wages" popup window. If a value greater than zero is entered in this setting, the "Edit Wages" popup window will set the wage for any assigned employees equal to this value.

Here is an example of how this feature would work. Say you only did Weddings or Bars.

All Bar events would be assigned a particular package called "Basic Bar Package". Let's say you wanted to pay all employees a flat wage, regardless of who worked the event and any other settings. While in the "Edit Wages" popup window, clicking on the fee filler button will result in the wage being set to the Package Specific Wage.

Now, say you also do weddings and pay your employees based on some other method than a flat fee. In the employee settings page there are several options available for calculating the wage on a per-employee basis. Say for weddings you paid them a percentage of the total fee. When clicking the fee filler button on the "Edit Wages" popup window for Weddings, the wage would be calculated on the total fee.


Bar Gig: Wage = Package Specific Fee
Wedding Gig: Wage = % Total Fee

These are just examples for demonstration purposes. To enabled the Package Specific Wage enter a value greater than zero. To disable this feature, enter a value of zero.