One of my clients cannot log on to their planning account. Why not?

1) Try to reproduce the issue yourself. Write down the client's username and password. Log completely out of DJ Event Planner and delete any logon cookies. Then enter the client's username and password into the client logon portal and see if you can log on. If you can log on to their planning account, the issue is on their end. Continue with the steps below. If you can't reproduce the issue, do not contact DJEP support as we are are unable to provide support for end users.

2) Have them make sure cookies are enabled in their browser.

3) Have them make sure that javascript is enabled in their browser.

4) Have them try a different browser.

5) Have them log on from a different computer.

6) Have them log on from a different location. For example: home instead of work.

7) Have them whitelist the planning site ( or your premium domain) in the popup blocker, browser toolbars, firewall, anti-virus, and security suites.