What should I do with a Spam Report?

We have set up an email abuse monitoring system with several email providers.  Every time an email from our server is marked as spam we are notified and will forward the email to you.

What You Should Do

1) Determine who the email was sent to
2) Stop sending emails to that client
3) If you haven't already done so, make sure your outgoing mail server settings are configured correctly.  

Determining Who The Email Was Sent To

To determine who sent the email you will need to look in the body of the email and try to figure out who it was sent to.  You should also check the "header information" for any additional information which can help identify.

We highly suggest using event based or client based merge tags within any emails that you send. At the very least, put their name somewhere in the email, preferably their first and last name. Another idea would be to put their client id or event id at the bottom of the email. Even better would be putting an "Unsubscribe" message at the bottom of the email along with the identification value. Use the data replacement fields for the identification markers.

AOL Spam Reports

To determine who sent the email you will need to look in the body of the email and try to figure out who it was sent to. Please note that the sent to address will always be redacted@aol.com. This is AOL's method of hiding the true email address of the recipient. They claim to do this to ensure the privacy of the customers. It does make finding out who the email was sent to more difficult unfortunately. That is was we recommend putting an event id, username, first and last name, or some other identifying information in the body of any email you send.

To Stop Sending Emails To The Client

a) remove the email address from the client record
b) mark all scheduled emails as sent for their event
c) do not manually send any emails to the client

Configure Your External Mail Server Settings

You can configure DJEP to use an external mail server for the master administrator account and for employee accounts. Go here to configure: Setup -> Emails ->Settings.  Here are detailed instructions:  http://eventplannerfaq.com/index.php?/article/AA-00294/0/  

If You Abuse The Email Feature

Your cooperation in removing the email addresses is required. If you receive a spam report, we strongly suggest using an external mail server. If we receive multiple spam reports for your account, your ACCOUNT WILL BE TERMINATED. We are not going to compromise the good ratings of our mail servers for just one account.

Please note that this software is NOT to be used for email marketing to imported leads. You will need to use your own email application to send emails to prospective clients from lead lists.  If you set up scheduled email campaigns to potential clients that you have not talked to on the phone or corresponded with via email and we discover this abuse...you account will be subject to cancellation.