Why do email addresses have to be verified?

When emails are sent from this web application, the reply to email address will be the email address of the company administrator (when logged on as the Master Administrator) or the employees (when logged on as the employee).

Suppose the email address is: you@yourdomain.com. Emails sent from this software will appear to be generated by you@yourdomain.com and will have a reply to address of you@yourdomain.com.

Email addresses must be verified to prevent abuse of the software application.

When you click on the Verify Email button, an email is sent to the company administrator (or employee). This email will contain a link to the application website. The link will contain a random code that will verify that the email address is actually owned by the administrator (or employee).

Without this verification process, users of the application would be able to send out emails that appear to be from email accounts which they do not actually have control of.

After verifying an email address, the user should be able to generate emails using the site.