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1 What are SMS Notifications and how do I set it up?

A notice can be sent to your SMS-Enabled cellphone when you receive a request for information. This works by sending an email to your phone using a special email address provided by your cellular provider. The length of these messages is limited to 160 characters,…

2 What are the advantages of using the Request For Information form over my own form?

The advantages of using the Request For Information form that is built in the software over using your own form: 1) The primary advantage is that the information funnels right into your account. When you go to the inbox, the request for information will be…

3 What does include or exclude from Request Information form mean?

Click the icon below to watch a video tutorial called Configure and Integrate DJEP Website Tools found on your DJ Event Planner YouTube Channel: The request for information is a website tool that your clients can use to request more information about your…